Lu Xun's Diary, translated

This is a side project of mine. I always wanted to translate Lu Xun’s writings but often felt intimidated by such a challenge. For this reason, I decided to make it an exercise. My choice of Lu Xun’s Diary follows this decision: it is a text that lends itself to daily practice, has plenty of pages to keep me busy, and has not been translated yet (as far as I know anyway).

February 28, 2024
Lorenzo Andolfatto

15-19 September 1912

15/09 – Rest day. Morning, went to Qingyunge to buy daily necessities, spent a total of three yuan. Went to Liulichang and bought a copy of the Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era, one volume in 24 fascicles, three yuan; and the album Views of Nansha, one fascicle, one yuan and two jiao. Received letter from second brother’s wife with note from third brother, sent on September 8th. Received Minxing ribao from September 8th.

Astronomical map from the Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era

16/09 – Morning, received letter from Madame Hata’s family, sent on September 9th from Tokyo. Slightly indisposed, likely a cold.

17/09 – Morning, sent letter to second brother, including notes for sister-in-law and third brother. Received Minxing ribao from the 10th.

18/09 – Morning, sent letter to Madame Hata’s family, with note for Yoshiko. Received business card from Sagamiya bookstore. Afternoon, received letters from second and third brother, both sent on September 12th. Received Minxing ribao from the 11th. Evening, sent letter to second brother. Visitors from Fujian in nearby room, very noisy.

19/09 – Daosun arrived; went with Mingbo and Jishi to Guanghe ju for a drink. Received Minxing ribao from the 12th.

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