Lu Xun's Diary, translated

This is a side project of mine. I always wanted to translate Lu Xun’s writings but often felt intimidated by such a challenge. For this reason, I decided to make it an exercise. My choice of Lu Xun’s Diary follows this decision: it is a text that lends itself to daily practice, has plenty of pages to keep me busy, and has not been translated yet (as far as I know anyway).

February 28, 2024
Lorenzo Andolfatto

September 1-3, 1912

09/01 – Rest day. Morning, received second brother’s letter from August 26th; also received Minxing ribao from the same day. Later, went with Jishi to Daosun’s place and spent some time there. Went together to Shenchahai [Shichahai]; the place was very quiet and empty, probably because it is already past the seventh month of the lunar calendar. Had lunch at Tonghe ju in Sipai lou Street, but the food was unpalatable. Afternoon, went to Qingyunge to buy a few things, then to Zhengshu ju bookstore in Liulichang, where I bought the first ten issues of Famous Paintings of China, ten volumes for twelve yuan including a wooden box of no value.

Picture of Sipai lou Street from 1917
Tonghe ju restaurant today (quality of the food: unclear)

02/09 – Rain. Nothing of note. Evening, wrote to letters to Tokyo; later, flipped through Famous Paintings of China—quite fitting.

Frontispiece of Zhongguo minghua, issue no. 2 from 1911

03/09 – Cloudy. Morning, went to the Japanese post office in the Legation Quarter and sent letters to Ms. Hata Nobuko and her family, including twenty silver yuan. Also sent mail order to Sagamiya bookstore in Tokyo including thirty silver yuan; Jishi also sent in ten yuan. Clear weather in the afternoon. Received Minxing ribao from August 27th and 28th. Sent small package home including twenty liang of mushrooms, six pairs of tweezers, and six Gou pi gao plasters.

Modern-day Gou pi gao (“dog skin”) medical plaster
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